Mezmerize - System of a Down
FAV TRACK(S): Radio/Video and Question!
INFODUMP: This album was my introdution to SOAD :3 The first SOAD song I ever listened to was Violent Pornography, because one of my childhood friends played it for me on the bus one day, I think. It was sometime in middle school. Ever since I have been on and off listening to a bunch of SOAD, but recently they have been on repeat AF especially Mezmerize because it's so nostalgic.

That Total Age - Nitzer Ebb
FAV TRACK(S): Join In The Chant , Let Your Body Learn
INFODUMP: One of Nitzer Ebb's best albums at least in my opinion. I love this one so much because it was my introduction to NE, my mom played them for me off of her playlist of songs that she would listen to when she went to the goth club in college.

Animal - Ke$ha
FAV TRACK(S): Your Love Is My Drug
INFODUMP: My guilty pleasure album (and artist). Kesha was one of the artists that was on repeat for me throughout my late childhood into tweenager years. I love it for the nostalgia but also because every single song on this album is a banger....if you don't think so you're a hater.

Dead Man's Party - Oingo Boingo
FAV TRACK(S): Weird Science
INFODUMP: Best Oingo Boingo album !!!!! I love a lot of Oingo albums like Only a Lad and Nothing to Fear, but this one I love more than all of the others because Weird Science is on it. It's also just an album I can listen to the whole way through and jam the whole time. Silly goofy crazy bonkers music is the best genre.

Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water - Limp Bizkit
FAV TRACK(S): My Generation and Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)
INFODUMP: I love you Fred Durst. Enough said. Just kidding....this album is so good and I can listen to the entire thing straight through and JAM THE FUCK OUT I love Limp Bizkit so much and they are probably my favorite band lately. Every single track on this album is a absolute headbanger.

This is my little music catalogue of albums I really like. Hover over the disks for info...I'll be adding disks as I feel like it :P